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Elite Referral Incentive Program:


Objective: Reward existing Elite members for successful referrals by offering free advertising campaigns on streaming channels.




  • Referral Qualification: When an existing Elite member refers a new client who subsequently becomes an Elite member within a specified timeframe, the referrer becomes eligible for the referral incentive.

  • Reward Structure:

    • For Each Successful Referral: The referring Elite member earns one free advertising campaign on streaming channels.

  • Campaign Details:

    • Campaign Duration: The free campaign will be of a specified duration (e.g., 1 month).

    • Streaming Channel Ads: The campaign will include advertisements on chosen streaming channels, strategically targeting relevant audiences.

  • Redemption Process:

    • Verification of Referral: Upon confirmation of the referred client becoming an Elite member, the referrer will be notified of their earned incentive.

    • Scheduling the Campaign: The referrer can coordinate with Smilevolve Media to schedule the free advertising campaign on streaming channels.

  • Additional Notes:

    • Cumulative Rewards: Elite members can accumulate incentives for multiple successful referrals, each resulting in a free advertising campaign.

    • Campaign Management: Smilevolve Media will oversee the creation, execution, and performance tracking of the advertising campaign.




  • Motivation for Referrals: Encourages existing Elite members to actively refer potential clients to the program.

  • Added Value: Provides an additional tangible benefit to Elite members beyond the core services, enhancing their experience within the program.

  • Networking Opportunity: Strengthens the community by fostering connections between existing and new Elite members.


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